Cyberstrong Schools

Are you concerned about the best way to educate and protect your students in today’s digital world? If you are like most schools, you have already dealt with issues of cyberbulllying and may feel discouraged about the best way to prevent future cases.

The good news is Cyberstrong Schools can help.

Cyberstrong Schools is designed to protect and empower your students, while educating the whole family. There are two versions: Grades 4-5 and Middle School.

Often times parents don’t hear about cyber problems until they have escalated into big issues. It can be a challenge for parents to keep up with their kids’ digital lives (They didn’t have these same challenges growing-up) and as an administrator it’s easy to feel overwhelmed with the task of keeping your students safe.

Cyberstrong Schools works because it includes parents.

What is Cyberstrong Schools?

Cyberstrong Schools is an online program parents and students (ages 9-14) take together.  There are two versions of the program: Grades 4-5 and Middle School.

Students learn how to stay safe in today’s digital world while parents learn the best ways to protect and guide them. (And you have peace of mind that you have taken steps to protect your students.)

Cyberstrong Schools covers:

  • Understanding digital footprints
  • Protecting personal information
  • Understanding social media
  • Cyberbullying prevention (and the importance of saving the evidence)
  • Dealing with inappropriate information
  • Texting safety
  • Creating a positive digital reputation

Cyberstrong Schools is different from other programs.

  • Cyberstrong Schools is comprehensive, current, educational and empowering.
  • Families complete the program in the comfort of their own home, when it fits into their schedule. (You have the potential to reach many more families than the number that typically attend an after-school or evening program.)
  • Students learn to take control of their digital footprints and how to create a digital reputation they can be proud of.
  • Cyberstrong Schools is aligned with the Common Core: Parents are included. This is crucial. When parents understand their child’s digital world, and take an active role in their digital lives, they can help them make good choices and stay safe.

Protect Your School Today!